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My 'Freddie D' fro.

I don't really like strangers. 50% too lazy to build new relationships no matter how temporary, 50% paranoid of ill intent. I have trust issues.

So outside of work, I rarely engage people.

But I have to admit, there is something beautiful about a black woman approaching you because you both wear natural styled hair.

It's the weirdest and greatest phenomenon. To share those random moments in Black love is rare, especially betwixt Black women.

Outside of my tiny circle, exchange between me and another Black woman tend to be competitively edged.

It usually starts with a compliment. Then a "what products do you use?" Then a "you twist out?" "You wash and go?"

Then we normally part with some words of encouragement.

I love it! It's powerful.

I am usually left with a warm energy.

*I wear my wash and go styled similarly to Frederick Douglass.

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